
Tuesday, May 3, 2011

still in Hamata

I am already one Month here in Hamata and will stay her for at least one more Month.

It is hard for me as a Women to work here in Egypt. My egyptian co-workers are all men and their way how they see the part of the women in the society is totally different then in Europe. The Women has to stay at home to take care of the family and a women has to obey. As you can imagine, I am not such a women..... and I had already troubles because of that.... because I talked a little louder to one of our Beachboys because he dropped a 5kg sandbag on my kite and made a hole in the canopy (after we told them all several time not to do that). As they told me its very bad for them when a women talks like this to a men, I had to apologize and a few days he  didn't talk to me but now we are a happy family again. 

We all have to tray to respect and understand other cultures to live together. That means for me here in Egypt to learn to be more patient and to tell things again and again and again..... but I can't do that directly, I have to ask Andy to speak for me, because I have nothing to say as a Women :-)