I have a few appointments during the next Days and lucky me, I am booked for a payed Photo Shoot for one Day and I am going to meet a new Sponsor, stoked to tell you soon more about it............. Manu
Monday, December 19, 2011
Back home in cold Switzerland
Friday, December 9, 2011
Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year 2012
In Taiba at the moment and its still super windy, I am always with my 5 or 7 Nirvana. But I am ready to leave Brazil (6 days left) to fly back home to see Friends and Family for Christmas and New Year.
From me and the rest of the Liquid Force Family "Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year 2012", check out the videos;
From me and the rest of the Liquid Force Family "Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year 2012", check out the videos;
Thursday, December 1, 2011
Stop in Pro Kite Brasil in Uruau
After one Month in Barra Nova, it was time to go to another place.
The original Plan was to go to Taiba to see Nuria but its super windy up there. Thats why I decided to go for one or two days to Pro Kite Brasil Uruau.
The Lagoon in Uruau is small but super flat and there are not many people there at this time of the year.
Looking forward to taste the italian Food :-)
The original Plan was to go to Taiba to see Nuria but its super windy up there. Thats why I decided to go for one or two days to Pro Kite Brasil Uruau.
The Lagoon in Uruau is small but super flat and there are not many people there at this time of the year.
Looking forward to taste the italian Food :-)
Wednesday, November 16, 2011
Lazy afternoon
After a good Kite Session in the morning we were a little bored.............
but Niklas had a good Idea what to do with the Brasilazy bags :-)
what a life........
but Niklas had a good Idea what to do with the Brasilazy bags :-)
Monday, November 14, 2011
Wednesday, November 9, 2011
my lovely lagoon is getting crowded :-(

Friday, November 4, 2011
still in Barra Nova....

It was a big step to do tricks into blind and now I am working on handle passes and I know that have to ride more aggressive and jump higher, but that means at the same time that my crashes are impressive too......
Life as a kiter is not that easy I am telling you........
Life as a kiter is not that easy I am telling you........
Thursday, October 20, 2011
Travelstory about Barra do Cunhau in Brasil
In der aktuellen Ausgabe vom deutschen Kite Magazine "Kitelife", findet ihr die Travelstory von Andy Witschi, Chris Bösch und mir über den wunderschönen Ort Barra do Cunhau in Brasilien.
Saturday, October 15, 2011
Thanks for all the Birthday Wishes using all Mediums :) Mail, Phone, Facebook. Skype.......

Thanks to my Family and Friends for all the Birthday Wishes.
I am so blessed and happy to be surrounded by such good People.
I didn't got Wind on my Birthday..... no Kitesession for me :-(....... in Brazil..... after I was riding one week only my 5qm..... neverless I had a very good Day and I had Lobster for Dinner. Big thanks to Mirtes from the Pousada Escape for cooking, it was delicious.
Tuesday, October 11, 2011
Strong wind in Brazil
I spend my last week in Taiba, the Caupie Lagoon and in Paracuru. The wind was sooooooo strong I was almost all the time out with my 5qm Nirvana and sometimes even overpowered..... so it was definitely very windy when I am not able do unhooked jumps with a 5......
The plan was actually to drive up to Ilha do Guajiru but its supposed to be even windier over there thats why I decided to travel back to my favorite Spot Barra Nova.
Finally, after a few days chilling in Taiba, riding some waves in Paracuru and a visit in the super crowded Cauipe Lagoon I am back to train and to have fun on the water :-)
Tuesday, September 27, 2011
Back in Brazil where I started my trip one Year ago
After a few Month in Europe, I am back in Brazil where I started my Trip one Year ago.
When I look back it was a very intense Year. I experienced many things for which I am very grateful and its not finish yet, that the best part.
I am here in Barra Nova at the moment, which is my favorite Spot. A huge lagoon with a lot of
Space. The Wind is not as strong as in the north of Fortaleza but still perfect for me and specially close to the sunset the wind gets better and better as you can see in the image below.
Nach ein paar Monaten in Europa bin ich nun wieder zurück in Brasilien, wo ich vor einem Jahr meinen Trip gestartet habe.
Das vergangene Jahr war sehr intensiv an Erlebnissen, wofür ich sehr dankbar bin und zum Glück ist noch lange keine Ende in Sicht :-)
Momentan bin in Barra Nova, welches mein Lieblingsspot ist hier in Brasilien. Hier habe ich eine grosse Lagune mit sehr viel Platz zum trainieren. Der Wind ist nicht ganz so stark wie nördlich von Fortaleza, aber für mich noch immer perfekt. Gerade gegen den Sonnenuntergang wir der Wind immer schöner, wie auf dem Bild oben zu erkennen ist.
Friday, September 16, 2011
New Sponosor traser H3 watches

traser H3 watches is a Watchbrand from Switzerland and the speciality of their watches is the self-illuminating light technology called trigalight®
I'm pretty excited to have them as sponsor and to wear their good looking watches which are made for action sports.

Ich freue mich traser H3 watches als mein neuen Hauptsponsor für die kommende Saison 2012 vorstellen zu dürfen.
traser H3 watches ist eine Schweizer Uhrenmarke und ihre
Spezialität ist des selbstleuchtenden Leuchtsystems trigalight®
Die Uhren sind für Extremsportler gemacht und ich freue mich auf eine gute Zusammenarbeit.
Monday, August 29, 2011
PKRA Event St. Peter Ording, Germany
Finally a windy day. After 5 days without action for the freestyler we got some wind to start
the single elimination. My first heat was against another LF-Rider Marlene Rapp from Sweden.

The conditions were not easy, the wind was going up and down all the time. I stayed on
my nine and Marlene changed to 7. I had a lot of power in the kite but as soon as I left the water was the power gone.........I crashed my back to blind and was almost not able to relounge my kite and then I had to body drag back to my board and the time was over. I really thought that I was loosing the heat because I didn't perform that good but I won and I am very happy about it. A storm kicked in and we had to wait until the next day.
My next heat was then agains Bruna, which I lost..... :-)
It was a very windy day and the water was choppy and the current was very strong.
After the singles we went straight to the doubles. My opponent was Kristine Boese,
I tried my best in these conditions but I lost and the competition was finish for me but
I am happy with my performance.
Congratulations to Youri Zoon and Gisela Pulido the Freestyle World Champions 2011.
the single elimination. My first heat was against another LF-Rider Marlene Rapp from Sweden.

The conditions were not easy, the wind was going up and down all the time. I stayed on
my nine and Marlene changed to 7. I had a lot of power in the kite but as soon as I left the water was the power gone.........I crashed my back to blind and was almost not able to relounge my kite and then I had to body drag back to my board and the time was over. I really thought that I was loosing the heat because I didn't perform that good but I won and I am very happy about it. A storm kicked in and we had to wait until the next day.
My next heat was then agains Bruna, which I lost..... :-)
It was a very windy day and the water was choppy and the current was very strong.
After the singles we went straight to the doubles. My opponent was Kristine Boese,
I tried my best in these conditions but I lost and the competition was finish for me but
I am happy with my performance.
Congratulations to Youri Zoon and Gisela Pulido the Freestyle World Champions 2011.
PKRA Event St. Peter Ording, Germany
Finally a windy day. After 5 days without action for the freestyler we got some wind to start
the single elimination. My first heat was against another LF-Rider Marlene Rapp from Sweden.
The conditions were not easy, the wind was going up and down all the time. I stayed on
my nine and Marlene changed to 7. I had a lot of power in the kite but as soon as I left the water was the power gone.........I crashed my back to blind and was almost not able to relounge my kite and then I had to body drag back to my board and the time was over. I really thought that I was loosing the heat because I didn't perform that good but I won and I am very happy about it. A storm kicked in and we had to wait until the next day.
My next heat was then agains Bruna, which I lost..... :-)
It was a very windy day and the water was choppy and the current was very strong.
After the singles we went straight to the doubles. My opponent was Kristine Boese,
I tried my best in these conditions but I lost and the competition was finish for me and
ended on the 9th place.
Congratulations to Youri Zoon and Gisela Pulido the Freestyle World Champions 2011.
the single elimination. My first heat was against another LF-Rider Marlene Rapp from Sweden.
The conditions were not easy, the wind was going up and down all the time. I stayed on
my nine and Marlene changed to 7. I had a lot of power in the kite but as soon as I left the water was the power gone.........I crashed my back to blind and was almost not able to relounge my kite and then I had to body drag back to my board and the time was over. I really thought that I was loosing the heat because I didn't perform that good but I won and I am very happy about it. A storm kicked in and we had to wait until the next day.
My next heat was then agains Bruna, which I lost..... :-)
It was a very windy day and the water was choppy and the current was very strong.
After the singles we went straight to the doubles. My opponent was Kristine Boese,
I tried my best in these conditions but I lost and the competition was finish for me and
ended on the 9th place.
Congratulations to Youri Zoon and Gisela Pulido the Freestyle World Champions 2011.
Sunday, August 21, 2011
Day 1/2 at the PKRA Event in St. Peter Ording (Germany)
I am in St. Peter Ording since a few Day to attend my first PKRA Worldtour Contest.
We were 16 girls and we hat to do trails to enter to the main Event. My Heat
was very good and I am very happy that I won it.
The forecast for the next days looks pretty bad for freestyle but I am sure
that we will get some wind next week.
Friday, August 5, 2011
Monday, August 1, 2011
Swiss National Day, August 1st
It was very nice to be at home for a while, to spend some time with my family and Friends and to see the Fireworks on the Lake of Biel to celebrate the founding of the Swiss Confederation in 1291.
But now is time to kite again, my rip is healed and I am ready for new crashes ;-)
The Plan is to drive to Denmark for two weeks and then to go to St. Peter Ording for the PKRA
and the launch of the new LF 2012 Material.
I am very exited and I will keep you updated.
But now is time to kite again, my rip is healed and I am ready for new crashes ;-)
The Plan is to drive to Denmark for two weeks and then to go to St. Peter Ording for the PKRA
and the launch of the new LF 2012 Material.
I am very exited and I will keep you updated.
Wednesday, July 13, 2011
Thursday, July 7, 2011
Kitesurf Tour Europe in Sylt, Germany
One week back home to see my family and friends and I was already on the way to Sylt in Germany to compete at the Kitesurf Tour Europe.
But then the next day, everything was different. The sky was gray, it was cold, the wind was super strong and the sea was very troublous (high and unreadable waves everywhere). I trained all these different tricks and the best I was able to perform was a unhooked backroll and raley, its a shame but it is true. As if this wasn't enough I crashed my kite "accidental" and I had a hard time in the short break.... thank you Michalina for saving us.....
So, I knocked out in the quarterfinal of single elimination against Asia Litwin, afterwards I lost against Hannah Whiteley in the doubles and I ended 7th. I expected more from me but I had a very good time there and I meet good people :-)
I knew form Videos from the Spot Westerland, that the conditions are very hard there, but it was even harder then I expected....
The first day was perfect, the sun was shining and it was warm. All the freestyler were released for the first day and after the opening ceremony, we went all to the spot "Ellenbogen" where we found flat water ;-)
The first day was perfect, the sun was shining and it was warm. All the freestyler were released for the first day and after the opening ceremony, we went all to the spot "Ellenbogen" where we found flat water ;-)
But then the next day, everything was different. The sky was gray, it was cold, the wind was super strong and the sea was very troublous (high and unreadable waves everywhere). I trained all these different tricks and the best I was able to perform was a unhooked backroll and raley, its a shame but it is true. As if this wasn't enough I crashed my kite "accidental" and I had a hard time in the short break.... thank you Michalina for saving us.....
So, I knocked out in the quarterfinal of single elimination against Asia Litwin, afterwards I lost against Hannah Whiteley in the doubles and I ended 7th. I expected more from me but I had a very good time there and I meet good people :-)
Nachdem ich eine Woche zuhause verbracht habe um Freund und Familie zu sehen bin ich bereits weiter nach Sylt geflogen, um an der Kitesurf Tour Europe teilzunehmen.
Ich habe mir im Vorfeld einige Video angesehen von diesem Spot und wusste bereits, dass es sehr schwierige Bedingungen sein werden, aber es war noch viel härter als gedacht.......
Der erste Tag startete super, es war schön sonnig, warm und nach einer schönen Eröffnungszeremonie wurden wir Freestyler entlassen. Worauf wir zum nahegelegenen Spot Ellenbogen gefahren sind, wo wir schön flaches Wasser vorgefunden haben.
Doch der nächste Tag startete total anders.... der Himmel war bedeckt, es war arschkalt, der Wind war sehr stark und dass Meer sehr unruhig (es hatte super hohe und unlesbare Wellen). Jetzt habe ich all diese Tricks gelernt und ich konnte am Wettkampf kaum etwas zeigen..... das Beste war ein ausgehackter Reley und Backroll...., es war wirklich etwas peinlich. Als ob das noch nicht genug gewesen wäre. Ich habe es sogar geschafft, dass ich den Kite voll in den Short Break gecrashed habe und ich von den Wellen ein paar mal schön durchgespült worden bin.... danke nochmal an Michalina, die uns aus den Wellen gerettet hat....
In den Singel Eleminations bin ich dann im Viertelfinale gegen Asia Litwin ausgeschieden und in den Doubles gegen Hannah Whiteley und ich wurde 7e. Ich habe mehr von mir erwartet, aber ich hatte eine tolle Zeit und habe viele tolle Menschen kennengelernt :-)
Jetzt wird fleissig weitertrainiert, auch wenn die Bedingungen nicht super sind :-)
Thursday, June 16, 2011
My daily routine, during the last 10 Weeks
I was in Hamata (Egypt) for the last 10 Weeks and I really enjoyed the time there. Every day was similar but that was exactly what I was looking for. Perfect wind and water condition to train and teach, a nice hotel room and good food.
I would like to thank my co-workers for the good time at the Kite-Village and the Stuff from the Wadi Lahmy AZUR Hotel for the perfect service.
have Breakfast Transfer to Kite Village
Session in the morning Lunch
Session in the afternoon Transfer back to the Hotel Wadi Lahmy AZUR
Drink and Snack @ Pool Bar Dinner Time
Sunday, May 8, 2011
Unfortunately we had a few days no Wind in Hamata.
But it was not boring, there are a lot of no Wind Activities to do here in the Desert.
And we drove with a 4 wheel drive Car into the Desert, where we found a sandy and steep dune to do sand boarding. I had a lot of fun and at the end the my body was full with sand from the crashes :-)

But it was not boring, there are a lot of no Wind Activities to do here in the Desert.
One Day we went on a Quad-Tour. It was so nice to drive around in the desert, we saw camels, sheeps and we joined a Beduin Family for a Coffee.
And we drove with a 4 wheel drive Car into the Desert, where we found a sandy and steep dune to do sand boarding. I had a lot of fun and at the end the my body was full with sand from the crashes :-)

Tuesday, May 3, 2011
still in Hamata
I am already one Month here in Hamata and will stay her for at least one more Month.
It is hard for me as a Women to work here in Egypt. My egyptian co-workers are all men and their way how they see the part of the women in the society is totally different then in Europe. The Women has to stay at home to take care of the family and a women has to obey. As you can imagine, I am not such a women..... and I had already troubles because of that.... because I talked a little louder to one of our Beachboys because he dropped a 5kg sandbag on my kite and made a hole in the canopy (after we told them all several time not to do that). As they told me its very bad for them when a women talks like this to a men, I had to apologize and a few days he didn't talk to me but now we are a happy family again.
We all have to tray to respect and understand other cultures to live together. That means for me here in Egypt to learn to be more patient and to tell things again and again and again..... but I can't do that directly, I have to ask Andy to speak for me, because I have nothing to say as a Women :-)
Saturday, April 16, 2011
Wonderful Spot, Hamata in Egypt
I really enjoy my time here in Hamata at the Kite Village. A lot of People I know are here and I have good students. All in all I have a lot of fun.
The situation here in Hamata is super safe, no demonstrations or other troubles like in the north around Cairo. Come and visit us, the conditions are perfect, as you can see;
The situation here in Hamata is super safe, no demonstrations or other troubles like in the north around Cairo. Come and visit us, the conditions are perfect, as you can see;
Sunday, April 3, 2011
Ready for Check-in, Flight to Marsa Alam
After one month in Switzerland, which I really enjoyed, I checked in for my flight to Marsa Alam.
Around two hours south of Marsa Alam with the car you find the kite-village, where I will teach and train for 2 month. I am so happy that so many people I know are coming to this beautiful kitespot.
Wednesday, March 16, 2011
From the islands of San Blas to the car show in Geneva
My last stop of the first part of my journey was in San Blas. San Blas is a series of 378 islands and only 49 are inhabited by the fiercely independent Kuna Indians. The economy of the islands is based on coconut sales, fishing and tourism and they offer travelers good snorkeling and swimming. Facilities are few and simple, as is the food. The area is surrounded by reefs, some of the oldest in the world. It is just beautiful there.......
I was lucky and it was windy for one day and I really enjoyed kiting between the islands, it was just unreal......
Everything comes to a end and it was time from me to go back home :-) it is so nice to see my family and friends again after 5 month. Unfortunately, I am not here to chill around, after 2 day I had to work for two weeks as hostess for Maserati at the biggest car show in Switzerland. The switch from the simple loneliness of the island to the fancy crowded fair environment couldn't be bigger.
Thanks to my Maserati team, it was great to work with you and I miss you all :-)
Tuesday, March 1, 2011
Capo de la Vela, Colombia
From the Airport Santa Marta, I went straight to Capo de la Vela, this desert paradise is located in the La Guajira peninsula of Northern Colombia.
Capo de la Vela is really in the middle of nowhere and we (me and Andy) were the only Kiters there :-) the water was beautiful but the offshore wind was very gusty :-( When the wind picked up I had around a half hour with not that bad wind and sometimes in the evening, during the afternoon was the wind too strong and gusty. Therefore I spend a lot of time in the hammock, the first day was hard but then I really enjoyed the mystical atmosphere.

It was very interesting to meet the the Wayuu, the indigenous people of La Guajira, specially that their social system is led and managed by women.
Sunday, February 20, 2011

Panama City is nice and very safe and the most people can speak english.
The Kitespot PUNTA CHAME is just 1 hour and 30 minutes from the City by car.
My Friend Itzick has a very nice Kite school "Machete Kites" in Punta Chame. We were almost alone on the water during the week and on the weekends a few people came from the City. The atmosphere was very nice and I was sleeping in a tent just in front of the beach.
Unfortunately from one day to the other the water was full with jellyfishes and they didn't want to die or leave the water. they got my twice and that wasn't a nice feeling.
Finally, I decided to make a two weeks trip to the north-coast of Colombia and I will go back to Panama for a Trip to the wonderful Islands of San Blas.
Thursday, January 27, 2011
The great Musician Willy K in Maui
I visited a concert of Willy K a great Musician from Maui.
The Hawaiian People are so proud of their islands and I really like the philosophy and the way they are living.
The Hawaiian People are so proud of their islands and I really like the philosophy and the way they are living.
Sunday, January 23, 2011
The surf break "Jaws" (Pe'ahi)
JAWS is located on the northern siede of the island Maui. The surf break, a deep wather reef break, is called "Jaws" due tho the size of ferocity of the wave. The waves at "Jaws" can reach heights of 120 ft (36.6m) on the face of the wave as fast as 30 mph (48.3 km/h).
.... I was there and saw this huge wave.... it was amazing to see the surfers out there, check out the video we did;
Jaws 20.01.2011
.... I was there and saw this huge wave.... it was amazing to see the surfers out there, check out the video we did;
Jaws 20.01.2011
Saturday, January 1, 2011
Aloha Makahiki Hou / Happy New Year
Ich darf auf ein wunderbares Jahr 2010 zurückblicken, in dem ich viel Schönes erleben durfte und sich für mich viel verändert hat.
Ich bin nun bereits 3 Monate unterwegs und durfte schon viele tolle Menschen kennenlernen und habe schon soviel gesehen und erlebt. Klar vermisse ich auch meine Heimat und all die Leute die ich zurücklassen musste, aber ich komme ja wieder :-)
Bis ende Monat bin ich noch auf der wunderbaren Insel Maui, wo ich hoffentlich auch bald etwas zum kiten komme, denn wir hatten bis jetzt nur ein Tag Wind...... Danach geht es ab nach Panama, da bin ich sehr gespannt was mich erwartet. Ihr seht es wird auch im neuen Jahr nicht langweilig für mich.
I look back on a marvelous year 2010, in which I have lived trough a big change in my life.
I am already 3 months on the way and I meet so many good people, saw many things and unforgettable impressions. Clearly I miss my home and all the people I had to leave, but I come back: -)
I am still on the beautiful island Maui and I will stay here till the end of this month. Hopefully sometimes on the water, because we had only one day with wind up to now ...... Afterwards I will fly to Panama, I am very curious how it is there. As you see the new year will be very exciting for me.
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