the single elimination. My first heat was against another LF-Rider Marlene Rapp from Sweden.

The conditions were not easy, the wind was going up and down all the time. I stayed on
my nine and Marlene changed to 7. I had a lot of power in the kite but as soon as I left the water was the power gone.........I crashed my back to blind and was almost not able to relounge my kite and then I had to body drag back to my board and the time was over. I really thought that I was loosing the heat because I didn't perform that good but I won and I am very happy about it. A storm kicked in and we had to wait until the next day.
My next heat was then agains Bruna, which I lost..... :-)
It was a very windy day and the water was choppy and the current was very strong.
After the singles we went straight to the doubles. My opponent was Kristine Boese,
I tried my best in these conditions but I lost and the competition was finish for me but
I am happy with my performance.
Congratulations to Youri Zoon and Gisela Pulido the Freestyle World Champions 2011.